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Back to School, Virtually

 So, this year I am going back to school. But it's not any normal school year. This year we are doing school virtually! So, currently we are using Google Meet for meetings, and Buzz for our work. So, why not Zoom? While Zoom has more features (polls, whiteboard, virtual background, questions and answers), Zoom has more security risks. People try random Zoom meeting codes, and interrupt the meeting. This would be very annoying for a classroom. This is called Zoombombing (it happens so much that it gets a Wikipedia page. Check that out if you want to learn more). But here is a poll about video conferencing. But, do not say Google Meet because you are familiar with it.

So, yes you might want to use Zoom just because it has more features. And don't expect Microsoft to put the Microsoft NetMeeting servers back up, even if you commented on this. Now let's talk about Buzz. Buzz is like Seesaw, expect it has more features, built-in quizzes (you could use Google Classroom), and more. Here is a screenshot.
Screenshot of Buzz.

But then, there's a more annoying part. Buzz likes to put a blank answer box with no question. It does not have a blog feature. But Seesaw Blogs are like complex Padlets. The only use for this is if you have the ability to see other peoples work disabled, but you could just use a website like Blogger, WordPress, the list of other platforms would probably take forever to publish. Just get one that has actually have posts and pages. You still get a lot of privacy with regular ones.


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